Getting Ready


Went and picked up those above items to get ready for the next week! Luckily I already had some food here at my house so I didn’t have to get a ton more items. The only thing that changed off my list was that when I read the ingredient list of the veggie burgers, it had egg whites in them so I ended up getting vegan chicken strips instead. I also found a recipe for Vegetarian chili so I’m going to make that tomorrow to have for a couple nights worth of dinner.

Later tonight I’m going to take measurements and weigh myself just so I can document if I lost any inches/pounds!

2 thoughts on “Getting Ready

  1. Love this blog! Also jealous of your awesome handwriting. Definitely try to find a non-dairy creamer for your coffee if you can bc I agree, love almond milk but not in my coffee if I have another option. Can’t wait to see how you like eating vegan!


    • Thanks! Lol I actually thought of you when I was posting that grocery list. THANK GOD but I forgot the creamer I use at work is non-dairy. I literally said “oh yeah” out loud after having my first sip right as someone walked by my office. Thanks for your continued support!


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